if i ever feel like sharing any of my thoughts, i'll record them here!

return to the index

an animated gif of six cats sitting in flower pots


happy birthday to me~ happy 23rd to me! its my birthday today :3 i didn't do much today besides have a small party, eat cake and open gifts. kinda random, but i feel a bit worried about the future. i want to make more friends and stop feeling so lonely. i just gotta push myself and believe in myself. i got this! trust in m(e)!


happy new year! it's been a fat minute since i last updated my journal here and i'm doing good! i'm going back to school full-time this year, done some preparation and shopping for it. as well as quit my job. yippee!! i'm excited but also nervous of what this year has in store. regardless, here's to 2025!! :D


welcome to sardinelunch! and the very first entry of my online journal. i doubt i'm going to update this often since i'm a pretty boring person in real life. regardless, i still think it's nice to have and i'll continue to update this website for as long as i feel like it. take care and have a good day ^_^